我们如何处理生成下载文件的 REST API 中的异常或错误?我有一个使用 Jersey 编写的 API,它生成一个 Excel 文件,并且具有适当的注释:
当一切按预期工作时,我将使用该文件构建响应,状态为 Status.OK
但是,发生异常时构建响应的正确方法是什么?响应头应该是什么,@Produces 注释会导致问题吗(因为它提到了 Excel 文件,但错误响应很可能是 JSON)?
public Response generateReport(@PathParam("report") String reportName /* other query params */) {
boolean isValid = false;
File file = null;
try {
Logic to generate the excel file and return info about the generated report
/* Includes code that throws IllegalArgumentException */
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
isValid = false;
status = Status.BAD_REQUEST;
} catch(Exception e) {//Quick and dirty testing for the API
isValid = false;
status = Status.BAD_REQUEST;
ResponseBuilder response = null;
if(isValid) {
response = Response.ok((Object) file);
response.header("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=\"test.xlsx\"");
} else {
response = Response.status(status);
// is this enough, or do we add info in the header here as well?
return response.build();
这里有一篇关于 JaxRS 中异常处理的文章:https://dennis-xlc.gitbooks.io/restful-java-with-jax-rs-2-0-2rd-edition/en/part1/chapter7/exception_handling.html